Rosin = The Oil Inside the Trichomes

  • PodTones began as a vision to deliver the purest form of pot (rosin) to people in a way that is effortless to enjoy – anytime, anywhere. 
  • PodTones has a unique way of liquifying the rosin that is unlike any other company’s products.
  • PodTones’ battery and atomizer are custom designed for the viscosity of the rosin.
  • PodTones’ founders believe premium weed is good at delivering 4 distinct Entourage Effects so they curate the most potent strains into the 4 Tones for differentiated effects.
  • Think of their logo like a sundial – UP (sativa), FUN (hybrid sativa), CHILL (hybrid indica) and DREAM (indica) – a Tone for every time of day.
  • Each hit is smooth and delicious, delivering a clean and delightful high from start to finish.